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Borkholder Dry Sink
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Borkholder Dry Sink

Prior to the emergence of plumbing and dishwashers people washed their dishes in a wash basin that was commonly positioned on a furniture piece much like the Borkholder Dry Sink. This Amish- and Mennonite-inspired piece is constructed of durable brown maple wood and offers a convenient compact design. Two layered display shelves and two roomy storage drawers deliver expansive storage space.Authentic Amish-crafted Borkholder Furniture has evolved from producing furniture pieces that required very simple construction to producing quality furniture pieces that offer a very refined combination of Shaker and transitional styles. By making these hand-crafted pieces available in wild cherry hard maple and quartersawn white oak Borkholder has achieved a line of furniture with tremendous breadth and flexibility using the best building methods in the construction process. Borkholder is so confident of the quality of its product and so concerned with the customer's satisfaction that each piece of furniture carries a lifetime warranty.
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