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Cosco Avila Convenience Meringue Stroller
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Cosco Avila Convenience Meringue Stroller

Great for the family on the go the Cosco Avila Convenience Meringue Stroller offers all the extras you'll need. Starting at the top the parent tray offers three drink holders for Mom Dad and an older child. Mom and Dad can peek in at their little one below thanks to the two-position canopy. The two-position reclining backrest is perfect for when kids want to be up and alert and when they want to nap. A lap belt helps to ensure that children will be safe while riding. Snacks on the go are made easy with the child tray which also features one drink holder. A footrest prevents little legs from falling asleep and Mom and Dad will make great use out of the mesh storage basket. The front wheels swivel for easy movement. You'll love the versatility of the grey color and how the overall look is softened by the buttery yellow highlights.
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