The three planters in this set of Terra Cotta Gosaldo Planters feature a round shape with extra-wide rims and a traditional terra cotta color to add warmth to your decor.
Each piece in this set of three Terra Cotta Salvia Round Planters features a round tapered shape a lovely design around the rim and traditional terra cotta color.
This set of two Terra Cotta Adobe Baskets features a lovely realistic basket design and wonderful details for a beautiful welcoming addition to your home.
The Terra Cotta Belricetto Round Planter set features a round design right down to the base. With square rims and rolled bands these three planters also have a traditional terra cotta color.
The straight angles of the Terra Cotta Casalina Rectangle Planters beautifully contrast with the rounded shapes in your garden. Inside or outside guests will be attracted to their modern design.
This set of Terra Cotta Misaka Square Planters features three square planters in varying sizes with flared rims. They can be used to welcome guests into your lovingly decorating living room.
The Terra Cotta Trissino Planter Urn will add beauty to any garden. When snow is covering the ground and everything else the planter can also bring a warm presence to your living space.