Teleflora's Birthday Ribbon Bouquet
Subdued is not a word that comes to mind when faced with Teleflora's Birthday Ribbon Bouquet. That's a good thing if you want to make an impression with bright color and all-around pizzazz.The charming flower arrangement includes red gerberas yellow Asiatic lilies solidago yellow roses purple Matsumoto asters and red miniature carnations accented with assorted greenery. All this is served up in a clear cylinder vase with an inner panel of festive ribbons. Two sizes available. Whether you're looking for a memorable gift or a colorful party decoration this bouquet is guaranteed to not fade into the background.Please note that for this item the following services are available during the checkout process:Multiple Ship-To which allows you to send gifts to several recipients with a single order.Future Delivery which lets you select a specific date for delivery so your gift arrives at the perfect time.About TelefloraTeleflora is proud to have been connecting customers with the nation's best florists for more than 70 years. All of our floral arrangements are professionally arranged by a local florist using only the freshest flowers available and each gift is personally delivered in a vase to ensure that it arrives in premium condition ready to be enjoyed immediately.Headquartered in Los Angeles California Teleflora has over 20000 member florists throughout the U.S. and Canada with an additional 20000 affiliated florists outside North America. This extensive network coupled with our commitment to exceptional customer service means that when you send flowers from Teleflora you can be confident that youre sending the best.