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Teleflora's Lavender Elegance Bouquet
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Teleflora's Lavender Elegance Bouquet

The Teleflora's Lavender Elegance Bouquet includes a unique and graceful purple glass vase that will be cherished long after the beautiful flowers are gone. This traditional arrangement features hot pink spray roses light pink roses pink Asiatic lilies pink wax flower purple alstoemeria purple stock Sweet William and assorted greens -- an ideal spring showcase perfect for Mother's Day. This arrangement is also great for birthdays anniversaries or graduations. It measures 17W x 19.5H inches and will be delivered by a local florist.Please note that for this item the following services are available during the checkout process:Multiple Ship-To which allows you to send gifts to several recipients with a single order.Future Delivery which lets you select a specific date for delivery so your gift arrives at the perfect time.
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